African Apocalypse

This critically acclaimed documentary film tells the story of British-Nigerian activist Femi Nylander’s journey across Africa in search of a colonial killer and to bring attention to the forgotten victims of colonial atrocity.

With a copy of Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness in hand, he seeks to discover the shocking reality of the book and the meaning and legacy of colonial horror in West Africa.

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African Apocalypse on BBC Select

Femi learns about French army officer Paul Voulet, who forged a path of unspeakable barbarity in an attempt to expand France’s colonial empire. He also meets communities still traumatised by the violence and still feeling the impact today. But amongst the tragic history, Femi discovers a spirit of hope and young people learning to find a way out of colonialism.

African Apocalypse is a film by Rob Lemkin and was a BFI London Film Festival Official Selection in 2020, an official selection at Docville International Documentary Film Festival in 2021, The British Documentary Awards Nominee in 2021 and nominated as Best Arts Documentary 2022 by the Royal Television Society.

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