Rage Against the Regime: Iran

Rage Against the Regime: Iran

Featuring the extraordinary stories of eyewitnesses and survivors, this series reveals the truth about the mass anti-government protests that have erupted across Iran over the past 15 years, from the contested election of 2009 to Bloody November.

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Rage Against the Regime: Iran on BBC Select

Episode 1: We Are Like Raindrops
Eyewitnesses and survivors tell the story of recent mass anti-Government protests in Iran.

Iranians protest against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2009 election victory with deadly consequences. 10 years later they take to the streets again after a hike in fuel prices–the regime’s brutal response is known as Bloody November.

Episode 2: Good Girls
The stories of some of the wom en who took on the Iranian regime.

Recent years have seen a series of anti-regime protests in Iran, with women demanding greater freedoms, including the right to watch football matches. The BBC tracks how protests later spread across the country, with the resulting crackdown leading to arrests, injury and in some cases, death for protesters.

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