Border Country

How are borders created and what impact do they have on nations and individuals? In this compelling documentary series, historian and former politician Rory Stewart investigates the Scottish-English borders, one of the most brutally contested frontiers in history and the Roman construction of Hadrian’s Wall. He also draws on illuminating border stories from Iraq, Bosnia, and Afghanistan.
This show is not currently available on BBC Select but browse through the below titles for more Global Affairs documentaries available to stream on BBC Select.
Border Country on BBC Select
Ep 1: Building the Wall
How Hadrian’s Wall between England and Scotland still impacts life in Britain today. The building of Hadrian’s Wall was one of the single most important events in Britain’s history.This dividing line between England and Scotland, created by the Romans, has repercussions still felt today. In this insightful history documentary, Rory Stewart explores the impact of Rome’s occupation and departure, and the affect it had on the nations on each side of the divide.
EP 2: A Nation Divided
The role Hadrian’s Wall played in Britain being torn in two creating England and Scotland. Hadrian’s Wall cut a deep scar across Britain that would never be forgotten. 1000
years after the Romans left, the island split once again, near the line of the wall, into the Kingdoms of England and Scotland. Rory Stewart tells the story of how Britain was torn in two. The border country dividing Britain became a zone of anarchy, as violent as border areas in the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan.